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Country Cost of Living Index Monthly Rent (USD) Avg. Monthly Salary (USD) Life Expectancy Avg. Temp
Albania43.2$576.6$626.7479.78 years54.4°F
Algeria26.8$213.14$227.6376.48 years74.5°F
Argentina34.7$515.95$481.5277.54 years61.3°F
Armenia43.3$922.49$609.3975.85 years46.1°F
Australia72.2$2,143.23$3,639.2584.07 years71.7°F


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the website determine the best country for me?

We use an algorithm that analyzes your answers about lifestyle, work preferences, climate preferences, and more to recommend a country that aligns with your needs.

What factors are considered when making recommendations?

Factors include cost of living, quality of life, healthcare, climate, job market, and other elements that impact daily life to find the country that best fits your profile.

Is my questionnaire data kept confidential?

Yes, your responses are not stored on any servers. They are only used to generate recommendations and are immediately discarded afterward.

Can I take the questionnaire multiple times?

Absolutely! You can take the questionnaire as many times as you like to explore different recommendations based on varying preferences.

How accurate are the recommendations?

Our recommendations are based on available data and general preferences. While they offer a helpful starting point, we encourage you to research your recommended countries further to ensure they meet your specific needs.

Do you provide guidance on the immigration process?

We offer initial resources on the immigration process, including visa guides and embassy contacts. For detailed guidance, please consult official immigration authorities or professionals.

How often is the site updated to reflect changes in immigration policies?

We strive to keep our recommendations up-to-date and review country policies periodically. However, immigration laws can change rapidly, so we advise checking official sources for the latest information.

How can I provide feedback to improve the recommendations?

Please send your feedback to feedback@whichcountrytomoveto.com. We appreciate your input and will use it to enhance our recommendations.