Scenic view of Bahrain

Living in Bahrain

Universal HealthcareStrong Primary CareEconomic StabilityHigh SafetyGood Quality Life

A small island nation in the Persian Gulf known for its rich history, modern architecture, and vibrant economy. Bahrain is a financial hub with a diverse population and a blend of traditional and contemporary culture.

Next Steps

  • 1Apply for a work visa through the Labor Market Regulatory Authority and ensure your employer obtains a Non-Objection Certificate.
  • 2Search for job opportunities in Bahrain and secure a signed employment contract before arrival.
  • 3Research and secure housing in Bahrain, considering factors such as location, cost, and lease requirements.
  • 4Connect with expatriate communities and networks in Bahrain to facilitate integration and obtain practical advice on living in the country.
Monthly Rent
Monthly Salary
Life Expectancy
Avg Temperature
Crime Rate